BERGHOCH remote control activation, deactivation, SOS power button battery Dimensions approx. 55x30x12 mm, color black, metallic
868 MHz alarm systems - instructions - accessories
Instructions for the alarm system sensors Sensors and accessories of the Funk alarm system 2-way keypad of the Funk alarm system RFID keypad of the Funk alarm system
868 MHz alarm systems - data sheet
BERGHOCH 868 MHz Smart Funk alarm system with emergency battery Range up to 100 m (open field), 868 MHz Funk frequency Expandable up to 45 sensors and 8 hand transmitters Built-in GSM module for standard SIM
868 MHz alarm systems - question-answer
More information in our knowledge database. Visit now! They have a free app for iOS and Android. The app can be used to activate and deactivate the alarm system. You can activate the alarm system via
868 MHz alarm systems - Instructions
Instructions alarm system User manual Funk alarm system Alarm system sensors Sensors and accessories Description of sensors and installation Software & apps Apps for Android & iOS Android app in the Google Play Store iOS app in